Tournament Rules
Age limits and skill levels will be strictly enforced. Any special circumstances must be approved by the tournament director.
All players must have a signed waiver on file. Without it, you don't skate. Waivers are available online and from staff at the rink.
A preliminary player roster is due 14 days before the tournament. Teams are still allowed to add players but it should be kept to a minimum and is subject to the Tournament Director's approval. The final roster will be frozen at check-in before the first game is played. There will be no additions to any roster after that point. Any player participating in any game who is not listed as a primary or substitute player on a team’s roster will be ruled illegal. Teams using an illegal player will forfeit all games in which the illegal player appeared. The only exception to this rule is an injury to a goaltender. The substitute goaltender must meet the team criteria with regard to age and skill level.
Teams are required to provide team jerseys of matching color and matching or similar design. Jerseys must have numbers (no duplicates) on back. Teams must either have home (dark) and away (light) colored jerseys or coordinate their jersey color with the tournament staff.
To be eligible for Sunday's Championship or Playoff round, players must have played at least 1 of the qualifying games
Before the Game
Game Play

USA Hockey rules will apply with regard to penalties and general rules. Although some physical contact is inevitable, there will be no checking. There will be no fighting. A fighting major (dropping the gloves) will result in expulsion from the remainder of the game. Additional discipline may be handed down by the tournament director as deemed necessary. Further discipline can range from ineligibility for additional games to expulsion from the remainder of the tournament. We will use tag up offside. All games will be 13 minute stop time periods. Teams will be allowed 1) 30 second time out per game. In the event of a tie score at the end of regulation play, teams will proceed with a 3 player shootout. If at the end of the shootout the score remains tied, the shootout will continue sudden death until the winner is determined. During Final rounds there will be a 5 minute (running clock) 3 on 3 (sudden death) overtime period. If no team scores, the game will proceed with a 3 player shootout. If after 3 shooters the game remains tied, the shootout (sudden death) will continue until a winner is determined.

Results of the Qualifying games will determine Championship teams and individual awards. Teams will be awarded the following points:
Win – 2 Points
(including shootout win)
Tie – 1 Point
Shootout Loss – 1 Point
Loss – 0 Points
Tie Breakers
In the event of a tie in the division standings, the following criteria will be used to determine Championship teams:
Most Wins
Head to Head Play
Fewest Goals Against
Most Goals For
Coin Toss